All in Photography

Is it time to make BBF your new BFF?

Photography is full of technical terms and buzz words, but one that really is a great one to consider is Back Button Focus (or BBF). So what is it and why should you consider using it. By default, many cameras straight out of the box have the auto-focus with the shutter button. You half-press the shutter button and the camera will focus. This has its own pitfalls.

Great lighting concepts for Halloween themed portraits

I adore getting my “spook” on for Halloween. Sadly this year, I had planned several really cool themes that may have to be put on hold until next year. Being in lockdown for yet another three weeks in Australia means I won’t be able to shoot for the entire month of October like I normally do. Still, I can share a few of the totally amazing shoots I did with my team did last year.

Is the ‘bug’ biting your business?

There is no escaping the current media storm — it is EVERYWHERE! And while many are out panic buying toilet paper and canned goods, what is the overall impact on your photography business?

I saw it in my own business fairly early. I’m no doctor or financial expert, but it appears that one is in higher demand than the other. It appeared at the start that people are more worried about a looming financial crisis caused by this outbreak than the outbreak itself. Now it is both.