How I got the photo: The Corpse Bride, the smokin’ pumpkin

How I got the photo: The Corpse Bride, the smokin’ pumpkin

Completely inspired by Tim Burton’s “Corpse Bride,” this was the background for just one of my Halloween shoots last year. Sadly this year with a global pandemic still in full swing I don’t think we are going to get in a shot this year. Still, I had so many amazing shoots last year for Halloween, so I thought I would share this one with you.

Behind the scenes

Many hours went in to preparation to artfully destroy a wedding dress, carve pumpkins and stage the set, followed by many hours of hair and makeup into the Corpse Bride. My big-ticket item for this shoot was to set off a smoke emitter INSIDE the carved pumpkin.

This was done in a local park (at the end of my street, after warning the neighbours about the smoke emitters), against a neighbour’s back fence and garage to get the flowering bush behind my Bride. We then lit the smoke emitter and placed it in a small black ceramic bowl inside the pumpkin.

Thankfully it was a fairly overcast day, we had no real direct sun. We used only natural available light and kept shooting until the emitter ran out, which was about 180 seconds.

JuliePowell_Corpse Bride (1 of 1).jpg

We also tried a blue emitter up in a tree … and a white one in the studio. (I do NOT recommend that unless you have lots of doors and windows open!)

I am not sure the pumpkin survived the shots well, but we had an absolute blast making this series. So if you really want to capture something dramatic, have a go at carving a pumpkin and then load it up with a smoke emitter. Or try some dry ice and water … which would also make some fantastic images.

Pumpkin carved by my wonderful hair and makeup artist Em Marietta

Pumpkin carved by my wonderful hair and makeup artist Em Marietta

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