Macro in the rain
Don't you love a good rain shower? Everything smells so fresh and vibrant. I adore getting into my garden between showers with my camera and macro lens. Those little drops of rain are so photogenic. I have found that it is often dark and gloomy unless the sun peeks out. So what do you do, grab a flash? Yes, you could but if you have the very handy Fiveray M20C LED light you can have a little more versatility.
The Fiveray M20C on the hotshoe of my Hubby's camera
Better than a flash
As I said you could grab a flash, but the Fiveray M20C is far more versatile, even at 20W. You can adjust the brightness, but you can also adjust the White Balance colour in Kelvins, but you can also change the actual color in RGB. Want blue, pink or green? Easy. It can fit on the hot shoe of your camera, or you can hand hold it, pop it on a light stand, heck pop it in a tree or bush! It comes with a magnetic holder and accessories, it's super lightweight too. It even fits in your pocket.
Some of my final images
Camera - Sony A7RV, Lens - Sony 90mm Macro f/2.8, Fiveray M20C on about 60% power, 5600K.
I used the 'Cool & Classic' Lightroom Preseet from my Dark and Moody Lightroom Preset Collection on these images.