Ways to come up with fresh blog posts each month?
Chances are if you write a blog, the biggest concern you are probably facing is HOW to come up with fresh blog posts each month? Here are a few tips that might help.
Write from experience
Been somewhere, or did something new and exciting. Read a good book, saw a movie, tried a new recipe? These are all fabulous things to write about. Writing from an experience is probably the easiest way to get started. Perhaps you read an interesting blog article? Link to it and give you thoughts or even expand on it. Been on a holiday? Travel is definitely something that people like to read and look at photos.
Twelve Apostles – Great Ocean Road, Australia
Try a title generator
There are some terrific title generators available online. Sure they won’t write the post for you, but often the title will lead to the rest of the blog post. Try putting in a subject like photography or lighting and see what title the generator comes up with. Many are generic and useless, but you can find some terrific ideas that just need a little tweaking. Like “Three ways to improve your photography with the help of your dog“.
Stick with the K.I.S.S. principle
I personally like the KISS principle – Keep it simple silly. Don’t overthink things. Grab an idea and sit with it for a while, perhaps with a coffee? Write out a few bullet points or subheadings and then start from there.