7 Best Things about doing an Online Course...

7 Best Things about doing an Online Course...

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There are some fabulous reasons for doing an online course, here are my top seven of WHY I do them all the time

  1. I can do them when, where and how I like

  2. If the video is boring me I can skip through a little at a time and only watch the interesting bits (especially great on long winded videos of an hour or so), or I can repeat a section over and over

  3. I can pause, do something else and come back to it anytime I like

  4. If there are multiple short videos I can plan them into my lunch break and make plans for things I want to try when I get home or on the weekend.

  5. I don’t feel like an idiot if I need to watch a video a few times to totally get the point, because there is no-one there to judge me

  6. Most online course have bundles, freebies and life-time access, THAT is value for money for me

  7. Most online classes have a Private online community, Facebook usually, these are great for peer support, mentor support, critique and making friends. I have made valuable connections and friendships through so many of these groups, that have lasted long after I have finished the class.

Creating soft and dreamy still life photography

Creating soft and dreamy still life photography

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Dark and moody still life photography