Getting Creative with Images & Words
What feels like a life-time ago, I teamed up a lady from USA (Leslie Noyes) who likes to write poetry and we planned to create a book with her poetry and my digital art, we started with just a few pages and it quickly grew into an entire book. There is a brief look through (excuse the quality) on Youtube
“Before we were kings, we slept half the day rising at noon for our breakfast.
Before we wore robes, we frolicked like fools behaving as if it would all last
We snuggled and snuffled, snorted and sang, trumpeting our joy to the masses
And no one chastised us lest we succumb to a crippling, pachyderm sadness.
Oh! It was roll, roll, tumble and flow until the grand day of our crowning
Now we sit tall, on thrones one and all solemnly judging and scowling.”
There is a Spark Digital Copy of some of the Images Here Before we were Kings, is a poem by Leslie, and I came across it just recently. You can see The Full Spark Version Here.
Anyway Leslie and I both got Hard Copies printed for family members as presents, my Aunt rang my in tears, so overjoyed to receive this humble gift.
It got me thinking, with Mother’s Day coming up…or a special wedding anniversary, birthday or even a 1st birthday, that this could be done with images flowers or animals and someone’s favourite poems, or even song lyrics…it’s not like you are selling a million copies, but a special gift for a one off loved one.
Just a thought…if nothing else I hope you enjoy Leslie’s poem, one of my favourites, so perfectly suited to my image, “Small Ones”